Kendall White

Fragrances have the remarkable ability to evoke powerful memories from our history, which may come as a surprise to you. For a while now, I've had this amazing ability to mentally recreate the aromas of places, people, and, most importantly, really happy occasions. The aroma of wood brings back a vivid memory of my first contact with a man in the middle of a forest, a magical moment when sweat and rain met in a single drop. I love the smell of old books because it makes me think of all the hard work I've put in to become a great professional, but the aroma of Italian food makes me think of all the places I've gone and how great it was to be on my own. I need a guy who is attuned to his partner's wants and requirements since, as a woman, I have had enough of chances to explore my sexuality. I take pleasure in both being subjugated and spanked and in asserting my power. I can't get enough of the mental picture of you bound and exposed, pleading for my dosage of surrender.

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